Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jeff got a job!

Hip, Hip, Hurray! Eventhough the pay is half of his previous salary, it is a job. He will be a counselor at the federal half way house,where he worked PT last year when $$ as tight. Jeff's spirits are so picked up. He still thinks he will need to work a second job to make up the $$ difference. Hopefully Patchwork, a safe haven for teenage runaways, will offer a P/T or relief work position. If this is the case then these two jobs will hold us until something else comes along.

The big issue though is Miracle Flight has already purchased his ticket to Seattle and they will loose the $ for the fare. I called today and thy understand but re not happy. They are short on funds and have had to turn kids down for assistance. I feel just horrible. I really would like for Jeff to be in Seattle with me while Joseph is sedated for 5 hours, and meet with the neurosurgeon and eye specialist. I will be unable to carrying Joseph after he is sedated like Jeff can and did on our last trip. And good gravy, with my luck this will be the trip where they will determine it is time for Joseph to have surgery and Jeff will be cross country. On the other hand Jeff feels that we really cannot afford or him not to work and further he is afraid it will start him off on a bad foot.

STOP>>>>>> I know put it in God's. This whole time Jeff has been off that is exactly what I did and I have had this feeling of calmness the whole time. Sometimes I just need to remind myself.

With God all things are possible!

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